Story Bridge Adventure Climb Proposes New North Peak Route

Story Bridge
Photo credit: CC-BY-SA/John/Flickr

Fancy an unforgettable climb up the northern peak of the Story Bridge, hanging 74 metres in the air above the Brisbane River? Check out the Story Bridge Adventure Climb!

Though the Story Bridge Adventure Climb was first opened to the public in 2005, this iconic Kangaroo Point tourist attraction remains as active as ever almost two decades later. As one of only three bridge climbs in the world, daredevils and thrill-seekers have flocked from inside Brisbane and out to experience the climb themselves. In fact, plans have been drawn to expand the facilities available at Story Bridge.

With this latest proposal, Story Bridge Adventure Climb intends to provide tourists and visitors with a wider range of activities and climbs to meet the demand brought about by the rapid growth of tourism in Brisbane — one of which includes a new route for adventurers to take. 

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A Development Application has already been submitted to the Brisbane City Council to create a second “north peak” route that co-exists with the current route available for daring thrill-seekers to climb. The proposal hopes to implement a viewing deck and a swing out to the Story Bridge.

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The north peak route is set to run from Howard Smith Wharves all the way to the northern peak of the bridge, meaning the journey up the route would take an hour and a total of 550 steps to complete. It is expected that there is enough room for up to 14 climbers will be able to take on the route at any given time.

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To book a trip up the Story Bridge in State Route 15, or to simply learn more about the Story Bridge Adventure Climb, check out their website. Follow them on their social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram for the latest updates.