Motorists driving along the Story Bridge, the nation’s longest cantilever bridge, are urged to “slow down and take care merging.” The heritage-listed bridge that links Kangaroo Point to Fortitude Valley has been top-ranked for having the most crash reports, the latest report revealed.
Between 1 January 2015 and 31 October 2018, insurance claims records show that there have been 36 crash reports on the Story Bridge, the State’s peak motoring body, RACQ reported. Captain Cook Bridge and Gateway Bridge followed with 29 and 14 reported crashes, respectively.
“These bridges are often heavily congested, high volume, multi-lane crossings, making them hot spots for multi-vehicle crashes,” RACQ spokesperson Lucinda Ross said.
“Most are peak hour rear-end collisions, or sideswipes where drivers fail to give way changing lanes. Drivers need to take care merging and leave plenty of room between cars,” she said
Rounding out the top six are William Jolly Bridge (11), Walter Taylor Bridge (10), and Go Between Bridge (4).
Ms Ross suggested that apart from public transport, the government also needs to invest on projects that will provide alternative routes to minimise congestions and offer vehicle access to and from Brisbane City such as upgrading Roma Street, North Quay, Stanley, and Vulture streets.