Lamb House Set to Return To Its Former Glory

Despite the challenges that come with transforming the deteriorating home, there have already been improvements so far. The twin levels of the verandah are already equipped with new bearers and flooring timbers whilst the damaged roof tiles will soon be replaced with new ones.

The distinctive ceiling turret, one of the dominant features of the mansion, is currently being restructured.

The ground floor verandah now has floor joists and flooring whilst the top-floor verandah is currently being rebuilt. The existing floor will also be replaced with new polished floorboards whilst the doors and windows will all be replaced in working order.

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About the Lamb House

Photo credit: Queensland Heritage Register

The historic mansion has been a Brisbane landmark since the 1900s. Located at 9 Leopard St, Lamb House is a heritage-listed villa designed by Alexander Brown Wilson and built in 1902 for businessman John Lamb.

The Lamb family business – known both as Edwards and Lambs and simply Lamb’s – operated successfully into the mid-20th century.

Lamb House, circa 1904 (Photo credit: John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland)

When John Lamb died in 1920, he passed the business to his two sons, John and Frank, and the house to his widow, Sarah. The Lamb children who did not marry continued to live in the house with their mother. 

Fondly called ‘Home,’ the 3,146-sqm mansion was owned by the Lamb family until 2021, when Brisbane City Council put the house on the market for bidding over unpaid rates.